Hey guys,write this post is very,very important and its about choosing the RIGHT kind of friend.Ok,so on msp there this lvl 17 girl called: PunkLeah.And she decided to add me as a friend even though i dont kno her.But anyway i gave it a shot and added her back.I was soo excited and soo happy cuz i never knew someone lvl 17 would add me.I look up to lots of the people who are high levels because they worked hard to achive something and the goal they wanted to achieve was being a high lvl.Soo then..the bomb exploded.Straight away when she added me she said:watch 25 of my movies for a gift.So then i said..:25?but thats alot to watch.And..thats it she just didnt say anything afterwards.She just wanted me to watch her movies and thats it.She was never really my friend.PunkLeah used me.This is her..

So if u have a friend similar to this one here,then are u sure u have made the right decsion?
her is my bestest good friend her name is rockchick953 this is her..
I hope u end up with a friend like her someday who will NOT use u and really does like u the way u are and would like to be ur friend.
Think about who's friend u wanna be?
omg thx prettyloveline
rockchck is ma close friend and prettyloveline we r like eniies y does it have 2 be this way ???? cant we just be friends u have posted mean stuff about me when all i did was post a forum onto ma blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u put the forum online i just gave it more publicity ok so that didnt help but the point is we r probs both amazing ppl we just bring the worst out in eachother so wadda u say make up ?
ok ummmm idk lol
ReplyDeleteok so the bit that upsets me is this.... the post i put up was on a forum on moviestarplanet and not everyone goes on moviestarplanet,but when u put that forum on ur blog it made me feel embarrsed cuz 1)u didnt get my part of the story and 2)now the whole entire world has seen it.So when u put up that forum and wrote rude things about me,i decided to do the same.cuz i want u to feel how it felt that time.So thats all i have to say.JUST PUT URSELF IN MY SHOES,AND THINK ABOUT HOW I FELT.it wasnt that bad on moviestarplanet but now the world knows.And i dont think there is anything else u could do to fix this cuz the world has already seen what u put on ur blog ! AND..thats the reason why im upset.
ReplyDeletesoz i didnt realize tht would upset u !! andi didnt write horrid things about U i didnt say uwere nasty or mena or anything like u did bout me !
Deletethe only reason i said u were nasty and mean was becuz u embarrsed me infrount of the world.and underneath some of the pictures u took from the forum,u made me look bad by saying im greedy and all that.As i have been sayin all along,many people put up forums saying "unwanted clothes give them to me" and everyone gives then unwanted clothes.but when its comes to me then i get called greedy.I just DONT get it!
DeleteYea that happend to me this lvl 12 added my I was happy cuz most lvl 12's usually don't add a lvl fi ve and she asked me for a gift and for me to watch her. Movies.. Not cool at all! Add me on the American msp Abbie7789 Kay peace!
ReplyDeletei dont go on the american msp anymore i go on the england one,and besides,im not even american i live in england
ReplyDeleteI have a English 1 it's Alex5543
Deleteim on.............the english msp!!!
ReplyDeletesorry that just came out random lol
Iv got 2 bff that i luff lots megan and cuite they r so nice btw my name is lol princess1234
ReplyDeleteOmg, i never did that? wtf i dont even know you >.< u are such a liar. i never offered you anything wtf?!
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of fact u do kno me. U added me 2 years ago saying that i should watch 25 of ur movies and since then u never talked to me.I put up this post cuz it seemed to me like all u wanted me to do was to watch 25 movies of urs.Did u rlly wanna b my friend?